最新化学 -改訂版-
Osteogenic differentiation of cultured rat and human bone marrow cells on the surface of zinc-releasing calcium phosphate ceramics.
Ikeuchi M, Ito A, Dohi Y, Ohgushi H, Shimaoka H, Yonemasu K, Tateishi T.
J of Biomedical Materials Research 67: 1115-1122, 2003.
Id proteins are overexpressed in human oral squamous cell carcinomas.
Nishimine M, Nakamura M, Mishima K, Kirita T, Sugimura M, Konishi N.
J of Oral Pathology and Medicine 32: 350-357, 2003.
Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 6q correlates with decreased thrombospondin-2 expression in human salivary gland carcinomas.
Kishi M, Nakamura M, Nishimine M, Ishida E, Shimada K, Kirita T, Konishi N.
Cancer Science 94: 530-535, 2003.
Metastatic lymphoma of the maxillary sinus from a testicular primary.
Yamamoto K, Nagao Y, Morisaki A, Fujimoto M, Kitayama W, Sugiura T, Murakami K, Imai Y, Morioka S, Kirita T.
Asian J of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 15: 214-217, 2003.
Inhibitory effects of selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, nimesulide and etodolac, on the development of squamous cell dysplasias and carcinomas of the tongue in rats initiated with 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide.
Yamamoto K, Kitayama W, Denda A, Morisaki A, Kuniyasu H, Kirita T.
Cancer Letters 199: 121-129, 2003.
Intraoral hemostasis using a recombinant activated factor VII preparation in a hemophilia a patient with inhibitor.
Morimoto Y, Yoshioka A, Shima M, Kirita T.
J of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 61: 1095-1097, 2003.
Clinical conditions for eruption of maxillary canines and mandibular premolars associated with dentigerous cysts.
Hyomoto M, Kawakami M, Inoue M, Kirita T.
American J of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 124: 515-520, 2003.
Risk factors affecting duration of management of odontogenic maxillofacial cellulitis.
Morimoto Y, Imai Y, Tatebayashi S, Ohgi K, Yamamoto K, Hyomoto M, Morisaki A, Tamaki S, Kirita T.
Asian J of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 15: 256-260, 2003.
In-Situ visualization and quantification of mineralization of cultured osteogenetic cells.
Uchimura E, Machida H, Kotobuki N, Kihara T, Kitamura S, Ikeuchi M, Hirose M, Miyake J, Ohgushi H.
Calcified Tissue International 73: 575-583, 2003.
Analysis of apoptosis-related gene expression after X-ray irradiation in human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells harboring wild-type or mutated p53 gene.
Yasumoto Y, Imai Y, Takahashi A, Ohnishi K, Yuki K, Kirita T, Ohnishi T.
J. RADIAT. RES. 44 : 41-45, 2003.
Recombinant growth/differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) stimulates osteogenic differentiation of marrow mesenchymal stem cells in porous hydroxyapatite ceramic.
Shimaoka H, Dohi Y, Ohgushi H, Ikeuchi M, Okamoto M, Kudo A, Kirita T,
Yonemasu K.
Inc. J Biomed Master Res 68A : 168-176, 2003.
The role of p53 molecule in radiation and hyperthermic therapies.
Yasumoto J, Takahashi A, Ohnishi K, Ohnishi T.
J. Health Science 49(4) : 273-277, 2003.
Apoptosis-related gene expression after hyperthermia in human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells harboring wild-type or mutated-type p53.
Yasumoto J, Kirita T, Takahashi A, Ohnishi K, Imai Y, Yuki K, Ohnishi T.
Cancer Letter 204(2004) : 41-51, 2003.
Alterations of p14ARF and p16INK4a genes in salivary glad carcinomas.
Nishimine M, Nakamura M., Kishi M., Okamoto M, Shimada K, Ishida,E, Kirita,T, Konishi N.
ONCOLOGY REPORTS 10 : 555-560, 2003.
Tooth extraction in congenital protein C and protein S deficiency.
-Management of Thrombotic Risk-
Morimoto Y, Imai Y, Yamamoto K, Ohgi K, Shiotani H, Murakami K, Morisaki A, Yamamoto K, Kirita T.
Asian J of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 15: 181-185, 2003.
Traditional and complementary/alternative medicine (TM/CAM) : Where does it stand?
Choudhury CR, Dey A, Kirita T, Markus AF.
National Medical Journal of India 16: 52, 2003.
先天性plasminogen activator inhibitor-1欠乏症患者の智歯抜歯術の麻酔経験.
梶原淳久, 呉原弘吉, 北口勝康, 古家仁, 森本佳成, 桐田忠昭, 福田和由, 高橋幸博.
麻酔 52: 73-75, 2003.
山本一彦, 杉浦勉, 村上和宏, 渡邊誠之, 藤田博志, 藤本昌紀, 今井裕一郎, 大儀和彦,
草野雅章, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔診断学会 16: 57-63, 2003.
大儀和彦, 山中康嗣, 関東里衣, 今井裕一郎, 河野太郎, 岸宗弘, 黒瀬尚利, 植村和嘉,
奈良医学雑誌 54, 103-112, 2003.
山本一彦, 川上正良, 藤本昌紀, 下岡俊博, 池田悦子, 大儀和彦, 堀内克啓, 桐田忠昭.
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 13: 27-34, 2003.
玉置盛浩, 今井裕一郎, 舘林茂, 福辻智, 山中康嗣, 川上正良, 大儀和彦, 桐田忠昭.
有病者歯科医療 12: 15-21, 2003.
森本佳成, 今井裕一郎, 山本漢九, 舘林茂, 大儀和彦, 桐田忠昭, 丹羽均.
日本口腔外科学会誌 52: 176-180, 2003.
山本漢九, 大儀和彦, 安本順一, 今井裕一郎, 川上正良, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 15: 7-12, 2003.
川上哲司, 森杉敏明, 大枝直之, 藤田宏人, 吉村安郎, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 52: 235-242, 2003.
藤本昌紀, 山本一彦, 川上正良, 梶原淳久, 森崎歩, 村上和宏, 舘林茂, 桐田忠昭.
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 28: 238-249, 2003.
今井裕一郎, 川上正良, 舘林茂, 玉置盛浩, 安本順一, 大儀和彦, 山本一彦, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔診断学会 16: 299-302, 2003.
舘林茂, 青木久美子, 稲掛耕太郎, 山本漢九, 今井裕一郎, 大儀和彦, 桐田忠昭.
頭頚部腫瘍 29: 587-593, 2003.
井上和也, 榎本泰典, 市島國雄, 美島健二, 山田英二, 島田啓司, 小西登, 桐田忠昭.
奈良医学雑誌 54, 33-42, 2003.
伊藤敦夫, 河村晴生, 池内正子, 大串始, 十河友, 大塚誠, 石川邦夫, 神崎紀子, 小沼一雄, 一ノ瀬昇.
日本バイオマテリアル学会誌 21: 383-388, 2003.
草野雅章, 山本一彦, 北山若紫, 村上和宏, 桐田忠昭.
顎顔面バイオメカニクス学雑誌9: 23-33, 2003.
草野雅章, 山本一彦, 池田悦子, 村上和宏, 桐田忠昭.
顎顔面バイオメカニクス学会誌 9: 34-44, 2003.
中橋一喜, 山本漢九, 都築正史, 舘林茂, 森本佳成, 平井勝治, 北口勝康, 古家仁.
麻酔 52: 26-31, 2003.
伊藤敦夫, 川村春生, 池内正子, 大串始, 十河友, 大塚誠, 石川邦夫, 神崎紀子, 小沼一雄,一ノ瀬昇.
Ceramic Data Book 31: 203-205, 2003.
2004年11月30日(火) | カテゴリ:研究活動