Surgical orthodontic correction of acromegaly with mandibular prognathism.
Yagi T, Kawakami M, Takada K.
Angle Orthodontist 74: 125-131, 2004.
Herbal medicine induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome: a case report.
Chowdhury AD, Oda M, Markus AF, Kirita T, Choudhury CR.
International J of Paediatric Dentistry 14: 204-207, 2004.
Expression and regulation of LHF6 and L3/LHX8, lim homeodomain genes, suggest a role in maxillary and mandibular development in chick embryo.
Inoue M, Kawakami M, Tatsumi K, Haga S, Manabe T, Kirita T, Wanaka A.
Anatomical Science International 79 : 2004.
Effect of surgical reduction of the tongue on dentofacial structure following mandibular setback.
Kawakami M, Yamamoto K, Noshi T, Miyawaki S, Kirita T.
J of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 62: 1188-1192, 2004.
Clinical course of single miniplate fixation for mandibular angle fractures in comparison with two miniplate fixation.
Yamamoto K, Sugiura T, Murakami K, Fujimoto M, Ohgi K, Kirita T.
Hospital Dentistry and Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 16: 43-46, 2004.
Local injection of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 enhanced bone formation for tooth stabilization after experimental tooth movement in rats.
Kawakami M, Yamamoto T.
J of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 22: 541-546, 2004.
Screw-type implants used as anchorage for lingual orthodontic mechanics: a case of bimaxillary protrusion with second premolar extraction.
Kawakami M, Miyawaki S, Noguchi H, Kirita T.
The Angle Orthodontist 74: 715-719, 2004.
Effect of surgical reduction of the tongue on dentofacial structure following mandibular setback.
Kawakami M, Yamamoto K, Noshi T, Miyawaki S, Kirita T.
J of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 62: 1188-1192, 2004.
Haemostatic management of intraoral bleeding in patients with congenital deficiency of α2-plasmin inhibitor or plasminogen activator inhibitor-1.
Morimoto Y, Yoshioka A, Imai Y, Takahashi Y, Minowa H, Kirita T.
Haemophilia 10: 669-674, 2004.
Dental management prior to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Morimoto Y, Niwa H, Imai Y, Kirita T.
Special Care in Dentist 24: 287-292, 2004.
Suppressive effects of a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, etodolac, on 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide-induced rat tongue carcinogenesis.
Yamamoto K, Kitayama W, Denda A, Morisaki A, Kuniyasu H, Inoue M, Kirita T.
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 56: 145-151, 2004.
Clinical and radiological outcomes of condylar fractures in children.
Yamamoto K, Sugiura T, Murakami K, Fujimoto M, Ohgi K, Imai Y, Tatebayashi S, Kirita T.
Asian J of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 16: 234-241, 2004.
Evidence for the involvement of double-stand breaks in heat-induced cell killing.
Takahashi A, Matsumoto H, Nagayama K, Kitano M, Hirose S, Tanaka H, Mori E, Yamakawa N, Yasumoto J, Yuki K, Ohnishi K, Ohnishi T.
Cancer Research 64: 8839-8845, 2004.
Bone tissue engineering using novel interconnected porous hydroxyapatite ceramics combined with marrow mesenchymal cells: quantitative and three-dimensional image analysis.
Nishikawa M, Myoui A, Ohgushi H, Ikeuchi M, Tamai N, Yoshikawa H.
Cell Transplantation 13: 367-376, 2004.
Apoptosis-related gene expression after hyperthermia in human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells harboring wild-type or mutated-type p53
Yasumoto J, Kirita T, Takahashi A, Ohnishi K, Imai Y, Yuki K, Ohnishi T.
Cancer Letters 204: 41-51, 2004.
Alveolar osteonecrosis of the mandible after varicella zoster infection of the trigeminal nerve Report of a case.
Yamamoto K, Inagake K, Tatebayashi S, Yamakawa N, Inoue M, Yasumoto J,
Kajihara A, Fujimoto M, Kirita T.
Asian J of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 16: 204-208, 2004.
Factors affecting mandibular functions after conservative treatment of condylar fractures.
Yamamoto K, Murakami K, Sugiura T, Ohgi K, Fujimoto M, Kirita T.
Asian J of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 16: 160-165, 2004.
Hypertrophy of the Bilateral Rami of the Mandible and Limited Mouth Opening. : A Case Report.
Kawakami T, Baba M, Kirita T.
Jpn J oral Diag/Oral Med. 17: 287-290, 2004.
玉置盛浩, 今井裕一郎, 舘林茂, 森崎歩, 大儀和彦, 川上正良, 川上哲司, 植村和嘉,
障害者歯科 25: 43-48, 2004.
森崎歩, 山本一彦, 北山若紫, 川上正良, 村上和宏, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 16: 19-26, 2004.
川上哲司, 藤田宏人, 小川淳司, 前田雅彦, 井上智裕, 竹中暁恵, 都築正史, 吉村安郎,
日本顎関節学会雑誌 16: 8-12, 2004.
顎裂部に対する歯科インプラント治療 アンケートによる多施設共同研究.
松井義郎, 大野康亮, 福田雅幸, 高橋哲, 立川敬子, 朝波惣一郎, 山本一彦, 藤澤健司,
白土雄司, 富永和宏, 松浦正朗.
日本口蓋裂学会雑誌 29: 40-47, 2004.
村上和宏, 山本一彦, 杉浦勉, 森崎歩, 俵本眞光, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 50: 312-315, 2004.
下村弘幸, 川上哲司, 今井裕一郎, 舘林茂, 小川淳司, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 50: 446-449, 2004.
山本一彦, 井上公秀, 村上和宏, 前田雅彦, 山川延宏, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔診断学会雑誌 17: 264-268, 2004.
馬場雅渡, 川上哲司, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔診断学会雑誌 17: 269-273, 2004.
梶原淳久, 山本一彦, 川上正良, 藤本昌紀, 俵本眞光 ,森崎歩, 村上和宏, 安本順一,
日本口腔外科学会雑誌, 50: 636-642, 2004.
森崎歩, 山本一彦, 北山若紫, 俵本眞光, 玉置盛浩, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 50: 652-655, 2004.
玉置盛浩, 川上正良, 熨斗利光, 梶原淳久, 山本一彦, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 50: 680-683, 2004.
実藤信之, 玉置盛浩, 今井裕一郎, 桐田忠昭.
日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 32:383-384 2004.
ヒト下顎骨に作用する力の材料力学的解析 平衡側と作業側の咀嚼筋力の負担割合の変動の影響.
草野雅章, 山本一彦, 池田悦子, 村上和宏, 桐田忠昭.
顎顔面バイオメカニクス学会誌 10: 1-7, 2004.
プロフォール静脈内鎮静における間欠的血液透析( HD )のBISおよび血中濃度への影響.
舘林茂, 今井裕一郎, 大儀和彦, 玉置盛浩, 山本一彦 ,高橋正裕, 呉原弘吉, 古家仁, 桐田忠昭.
麻酔 53: 508-513, 2004.
口腔扁平上皮癌におけるRecepter for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) 発現の意義
笹平智則, 桐田忠昭, 山本一彦, 國安弘基.
頭頸部癌 30: 646-650, 2004.
PART3, chapter4, (6) 190-192 2004.
2005年11月30日(水) | カテゴリ:研究活動