

口腔がん -たばこ、酒、虫歯などにご用心-
医療の最先端 奈良医大からの発信-
創元社, 大阪, 2008.

山本一彦, 桐田忠昭.
奈良医学雑誌 59: 119-134, 2008.

Panoramic findings for predicting eruption of mandibular premolars associated with dentingerous cyst after marsupialization.
Fujii R, Kawakami M, Hyomoto M, Ishida J, Kirita T.
J Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 66: 272-276, 2008.

Reg IV expression is associated with cell growth and prognosis of adenoid cystic carcinoma in the salivary gland.
Sasahira T, Oue N, Kirita T, Luo Y, Bhawal UK, Fujii K, Yasui W, Kuniyasu H.
Hgistopathology 53: 667-675, 2008.

Protein microarray analysis of apoptosis-related protein expression following heat shock in human tongue squamous cell carcinomas containing different p53 phenotypes.
Kajihara A, Takahashi A, Ohnishi K, Imai Y, Yamakawa N, Yasumoto J, Ohnishi T, Kirita T.
International J Hyperthermia 24: 605-612, 2008.

Association between soluble MICA levels and disease stage ? oral squamous cell carcinoma in Japanese patients.
Tamaki S, Sanefuzi N, Kawakami M, Aoki K, Imai Y, Yamanaka Y, Yamamoto K, Ishitani A, Hatake K, Kirita T.
Human lmmunology 69: 88-93, 2008.

Recurrence of keratocystic odontogenic tumor: clinicopathological features and immunohistochemical study of the hedgehog signaling pathway.
Yagyuu T, Kirita T, Sasahira T, Moriwaka Y, Yamamoto K, Kuniyasu H.
Pathobiology 75: 171-176, 2008.

Haemostatic management of multiple tooth extraction in patients with haemophilia.
Morimoto Y, Yoshioka A, Imai Y, Fukutsuji S, Inagake K, Horita S, Kirita T.
Asian J Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 20: 184-188, 2008.

Knockdown of the L3/Lhx8 gene suppresses cholinergic differentiation of murine embryonic stem cell-derived spheres
Manabe T, Tatsumi K, Inoue M, Matsuyoshi H, Makinodan M, Yamauchi Y, Makinodan E, Yokoyama S, Sakumura R, Okuda H, Wanaka A.
International J developmental neuroscience 26: 249-252, 2008.

Regression of a Multilocular Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour without Treatment.
Yamamoto K, Matsusue Y, Shiotani H, Nogami S, Yagyuu T, Kirita T.
Asian J Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 20: 37-40, 2008.

High mobility group box-1-inducible melanoma inhibitory activity is associated with
Nodal metastasis ando lymphangiogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Sasahira T, Kirita T, Oue N, Ujjal Kumar Bhawal, Yamamoto K, Fujii K, Ohmori H, Yi Luo, Yaui W, Bosserhoff AK, Kuniyasu H.
Cancer Science 99: 1806-1812, 2008.

Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis Caused by Odontogenic Infection.
Sugiura T, Yamamoto K, Aoki K, Imai Y, Murakami K, Tsuyuki M, Kirita T.
Hospital dentistry and oral-maxillofacial surgery 20: 33-36, 2008.

High LET radiation enhances apoptosis in mutated p53 cancer cells through
Caspase-9 activation.
Yamakawa N. Takahashi A, Mori E, Imai Y, Furusawa Y, Ohnishi K.
Cancer Science 99: 1455-1460, 2008

DNA Damege Recognition Proteins Localize along Heavy Ion Induced Tracks in the Cell Nucleus.
Takahashi A, Yamakawa N, Kirita T, Omori K, Ohnishi K, Ohnishi T.
J Radiation Research 49: 645-652, 2008.

Multipotent cells from the human third molar:feasibility of cell-based therapy for liver disease.
Ikeda E, Yagi K, Kojima M, Yagyuu T, Ohshima A, Sobajima S, Tadokoro M, Katsube Y, Isoda K, Kondoh M, Kawase M, Go MJ, Adachi H, Yokota Y, Kirita T, Ohgushi H.
Differentiation.76: 495-505, 2008.

北山若紫, 山本一彦, 小松祐子, 青木久美子, 藤本昌紀, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 54: 164-168, 2008.

玉置盛浩, 山本一彦, 井上和也, 今井裕一郎, 青木久美子, 雲丹亀真貴子, 大槻榮人, 川上正良, 川上哲司, 露木基勝, 桐田忠昭.
障害者歯科 29: 40-43, 2008.

村上和宏, 山本一彦, 杉浦勉, 今井裕一郎, 栗原都, 嶌岡英起, 西紗善子, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔診断学会雑誌 21: 95-99, 2008.

舘林茂, 岡田隆夫, 今井裕一郎, 桐田忠昭.
日本歯科麻酔学会雑誌 36: 167-175, 2008.

川島渉, 山本一彦, 松末友美子, 桐田忠昭.
日本口腔粘膜学会雑誌 14: 14-20, 2008.

大槻榮人, 雲丹亀真貴子, 藤田宏人, 川上正良, 川上哲司, 桐田忠昭, 小正聡.
障害者歯科 29: 595-599, 2008.

桐田忠昭, 山中康嗣, 今井裕一郎, 青木久美子, 井上公秀, 柳生貴裕.
日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 20: 266-271, 2008.

草野雅章, 小松祐子, 梶原淳久, 佐藤広康, 桐田忠昭.
日本歯科心身医学学会雑誌 23: 24-32, 2008.

堀田聡, 山本一彦, 大儀和彦, 今井裕一郎, 青木久美子, 桐田忠昭.
口腔顔面外傷 7: 14-19, 2008.

下村弘幸, 山中康嗣, 今井裕一郎, 玉置盛浩, 山本一彦, 桐田忠昭.
口腔顔面外傷 7: 20-25, 2008.

頬粘膜癌・口底癌取り扱い指針 ワーキング・グループ案(第1版)
グループ長:出雲俊之, 大関悟, 岡田憲彦, 岡部貞夫, 岡崎雄一郎, 桐田忠昭, 草間幹夫, 佐藤徹, 篠原正徳, 新谷悟, 田中陽一, 中山英二, 林孝文, 宮崎晃亘, 柳下寿郎, 山根正之.
日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 20: 25-117, 2008.

それからの裸のインプラントSinus Augmentationの疑問.
松田博文, 井上孝.
デンタルダイヤモンド社 2008.

和田佳郎, 池田聖, 長谷川達央, 石田純一, 柴田智広.
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 NC2008 34: 13-18 2008.

2009年11月30日(月) | カテゴリ:研究活動